
If you're unable to find the specific product you need on our website, we're here to help! To get the most accurate quote, please provide as much detail as possible about the product. This includes information like the manufacturer, part number, specifications (flow rate, micron rating, material compatibility, etc.), and any photos or drawings you may have. The more information we have, the better equipped we'll be to find the right solution or a suitable alternative, and provide you with a timely quote. 

If you just have a general question, please don't feel bad asking.  We will work back and forth with you until we get it right.  We understand that there's thousands of filter combinations to be made out there, so to give you even more ordering confidence, we can also send out a test sample filter just to make sure what you're ordering will be the right fit for your application moving forward.  

You could also use our nomenclature guide, attached HERE, to build an item code and submit that for a quote. 

If you would like to send pictures, please send them to info@pureflowfiltrationsolutions.com

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